Glocal Summer School 2019 (2-4, September) in Tokyo Tech.

Theme: Design for Humanity - Eat to Delight
Interaction among diverse participants
In this program, graduate students in Doctoral Program, in Master'sDegree Program and in Professional Master's Degree Program of Tokyo Tech,students of other universities in Japan, international exchange students and individual workers have an opportunities to collaborate withe eachother.

Concept <GoodCreative Flower>
Originl Progrm
Through group works, students can brush up creative work and contribute to theworld.
They can improve communication and collaboration skill and theirleadership through original group works with the experienced coaches of TokyoTech.
Participants can be concentrate in group workby the intensive program.
In this program, students deals with the theme, "Design for Humanity". The program includes original format of group work designed in theLiberal Arts Courses for doctoral students.
See:Liberal ArtsMini-symposiums 2016
We respect a diversity of students.
Students will have lectures byspecialists of diverse fields, work in a small-group, and give a presentationcollaborating with students of other schools or other generations.
The aim of this program is applying the skills to create the forumwhich facilitates knowledge exchange among variety of students. Students willlearn the method of materialize idea, interdisciplinary research andcollaboration with persons diverse generations and special fields.
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1)have their own idea and new ways of creativity based on liberal arts.
2)understand lectures of specialists, innovators,entrepreneurs who tackled inglobal stage.
3) take group work and communicate with students, individualworkers and foreign students from different specialities in English.
4)present the results of their group-work to make poster and image model inpresentation.
5) acquire leadership, ability to conduct interdisciplinary research, and communication skills.
Date and Venue
Training camp
at W933 Lecrure Room, Ookayama Campus, W9 Bldg., Tokyo Tech.
Schedule(September 2019) (Time table may be changed)
The Schedule |
Day 1 2 September (Mon) 9:00-16:40 |
General Instruction, |
Day 2 3 September (Tue) 9:00-16:40 |
Group Work, |
Day 3 4 September (Wed) 9:00-12:40 |
Final Presentation |
Guests and Referees
![]() |
Junichi IMURA , Vice President for Teaching and Learning |
This Summer program is directed and supported by Kaneko Labo.
Both Foreign students and Japanese students listed bellow can applythis programme.
-Graduate Student (Master's Degree Program, ProfessionalMaster's Degree Program, ;Doctoral Program)
-Research Student(*1)&(Individual worker is this category)
-Special Auditing Student(*1)(Other university student is this category)
-International ExchangeStudent(*2)
Can participate whole the program for three days,
Bes elected by the application (in case the number of applicants exceed to 40)
*1 The entrance and enrollment to the courses islimited and participation permission is obtained viatherequested procedure. Theprocedure may incur expenses (e.g., examination fee, entrance fee, tuition fee,etc.).
*2 The entrance is limited andparticipation permission is obtained only via the requested procedure.Theprocedure may incur expenses (e.g., examination fee, entrance fee, tuitionfee, etc.).Search OverseasPartnerUniversity
Whole theprogramme are managed in English.
The ability to speak Japanese is notrequired.
(One credit of Liberal Arts Courses)
LAH.C619: Glocal Doctor JAPAN Y1, (for student in Doctoral Program)
LAH.A541 Glocal JAPAN Y1, (for student in Master's Degree Programand Professional Master's Degree Program),
(You cannot regster these course individually through WEB system. )
Application Guide Summer School (in English)
e-mail: contact @ (copy and remove spaces)
indicating subject as "Glocal Summer School"
Glocal Summer School Desk, Mail BOX: W9-31 Ookayama Wet 9 Bldg.
TokyoTech| 2-12-1 Ookayama, Megurou, Tokyo, Japan