Glocal Global School Tokyo Tech


Introduction of Special Lecturers

OTON Glass[Photo: KIOKU Keizo]

Keisuke Shimakage
OTON Glass Inc. CEO
Entrepreneur, Researcher, Designer
Assistant Professor, Tsukuba University (Yoichi Ochiai Labo.)
JST CREST xDiversity,
Doctoral Course KeioUniversity

Specialty: Design Research, Inclusive Design, Speculative Design,
Fab, HCI.
He develops and produces the sightextension equipment,
"OTON Glass".

DAY 1 (3rd March 2019) 10AM Special Lecture

Nobumichi Tosa, MAYWA DENKI:
Meiwa-Denki: The art unit produced by Nobumichi Tosa.

Their work-uniform is blue; it is a type of the small businesses that supportedhigh economic growth in Japan. It refers to a job as a "product" and as live "product demonstration," develops various “Nonsense-Machines” and organizeslive shows and exhibitions both in Japan and overseas.
It produced an electronic musical instrument in the form of the note "OTAMATone."
In January 2016, it successfully organized the first large-scale exhibition at themuseum McaM in Shanghai, China. In 2018, it completed 25 years since itsdebut; exhibitions had also been organized in Ooita and Nagasaki.
DAY 3 (5th March 2019) 10AM Workshop

NEWProducts of Maywadenki, OTAMA Tone, are displayed and available at Ookayama Tokyo Tech Coop Shop.TitechCoopTweet